Venice + Verona

It took a bit of convincing ourselves, but we somehow mustered up the courage to take on Venice as a day trip from our quiet little spot in the countryside. The drive (and parking) was actually much easier than expected, and we only squabbled for a few minutes about where to go and which garage to choose in the chaotic driving entryway to Venice.

We were greeted by familiar foggy skies and unfamiliar throngs of tourists upon entering the famous canal-riddled city, bracing ourselves for our most touristy-day yet. Obi, upon realizing that the canals were not, actually, going to be come his swimming playground, pulled himself up by his leash and began charging around the maze of the city’s corners, taking inspiration from the many leash-less Venice-native dogs we crossed paths with during our hours in the city. The cooler weather and outdoor mask mandate kept the notorious Venetian smells at bay as we meandered through the many streets and canals, marveling at buildings and boats along the way. Our luck continued, and we were able to see St. Mark’s Square without wading through any canal water, and even ran into our Tuscan-castle-sharing friends and their pup for a quick rendezvous, much to the two dog’s delight!


Though Venice was delightful (and Florence, grande), I have to admit that of all the cities we visited during our trip to Northern Italy, Verona is the one that most stole my heart. Smaller and slightly more walkable in the few hours we had available on our long drive home to Switzerland, this city felt like it was harboring a magic spark that I wanted to chase around each delightfully constructed corner and cleverly painted doorway. Greenery dripped from nearly every windowsill we meandered beneath and markets sprawled through streets large and small. An old Roman amphitheater delighted my inner geek, the notes of Shakespeare were warm (and a bit overrun by tourists, to be fair!), and the to-go Calzones we got to share on the road were the best takeout I’ve had in months.


Love from Leysin,


January meanderings


Meanderings in the Venetian countryside