Springtime in London (oh, what a dream!)

It’s always a delight when a work trip can coincide with a trip to visit loved ones, and I find it particularly wonderful when those loved ones happen to live in a favorite city at the most glorious time of year. London in springtime, what a dream!

After a I’d spent few days of meandering around the Tower Bridge area for work — and hosting a swanky event after hours at Fortnum & Mason’s Wine Bar — Freddy flew in to meet me and adventure our way down slightly south of the city to his sister’s sweet home.

Though the hustle and bustle of the city center was a fantasy all its own, our recent excursions to London have me all the more enamored with the outskirts neighborhoods. Small farmers markets, quaint boutiques, coffee shops, pubs and the all-important central commons are as lovely as lovely can be. I took photos galore —

Love from Leysin,


Snippets of abundance


Work + Play: Spa Retreat