Ljubljana, Slovenia

Bring Downtown Disney into your mind’s eye, resize the buildings back to regular dimensions, replace Mickey Mouse with a bright green dragon, and draw a river down through the street’s center: you have a basic image of Ljubljana, the capital city of Slovenia. Take a walk down that river, past the modern stores tucked inconspicuously into old, pastel-painted buildings, and grab some strawberries at the daily farmers’ market down the river from town hall. Strawberry seeds stuck in your teeth, hop on bikes and ride your own amusement to central park, then go play in the old Yugoslav barracks-turned-art commune, filled with intense graffiti, monster sculptures and mis-matched steel structures meant for climbing. And so you’ll have spent a marvelous day in sLOVEnia.

Easter Market Count: 1
Mulled Wine Mugs Consumed: 0 (unfortunately)

Ljubljana Bike Ride.JPG
Ljubljana Dragon.JPG

love from my Dubrovnik bedroom floor, in the middle of a mess of clothes packing for tomorrow's flight to Athens
xo, shonabell

originally featured in run on sentences about european capital cities from lovefrommarbella blogspot


Prague, Czech Republic


its raining cats + dogs